Innovation Zone School (iZone)

The Innovation Schools Act, passed in 2008, provides a pathway for schools and districts to develop innovative practices, better meet the needs of individual students and allow more autonomy to make decisions at the school level. The stated purpose of the Act is to provide additional flexibility to schools and districts for the purpose of meeting student needs. The Act allows a public school or group of public schools to submit an innovation plan to its local board of education that is designed to increase student outcomes and strategically align the school’s resources with their approach to teaching and learning. 

Valdez first became an Innovation School in 2010. We renew our Innovation Status with DPS every three years.

In 2018, Valdez joined the DPS Innovation School Zone, the Luminary Learning Network (LLN). The LLN is a 501c(3) responsible for providing operational support, coaching, accountability and oversight to their zone of schools. All of the LLN schools are members of Denver Public Schools and contribute to the shared vision across the district. LLN schools have been granted more autonomy from DPS in order to pursue innovative and dynamic changes to tailor and adapt education to their students and communities.

To see our current Innovation School Plan, click here.

Blue heading at top says, "Progress Monitoring." Below is Valdez Elementary logo on left; Luminary Learning Network logo on right.
Progress 1
Table heading says, "Stated Goal(s) in Innovation Plan." Table has 5 columns and 2 rows showing progress toward goals.

Escuela Valdez met the stated goal in the 2022-2023 school year by being “Green” on the Colorado
School Performance Framework, including meeting or exceeding expectations on Achievement and